Scientix Teachers Spring Workshop 2 – Riga
The second Scientix Teachers Workshop event took place on the weekend of the 4 – 6 of April in the city of Riga (Latvia). With a total of 31 participants, it was the largest of the workshops. Despite the heavy wind and the low temperatures, we were able to enjoy a sunny start of the weekend and engage in some interesting conversations in our very first networking dinner.
As usual, the workshop started with a presentation by the Scientix Manager Águeda Gras-Velazquez and an introduction from our Latvian partners, carried out by Dace Namsone, Head of The Center for Science and Mathematics Education of the University of Latvia. The partner university organized two sessions that combined a theoretical talk on effective science lessons with a practical workshop on how to teach science and maths by using games and simulations. During this session, the ambassadors could try the games themselves and think about their suitability to their own classrooms. The seminar was carried out by Ilze France, a Senior Researcher at The Center for Science and Mathematics Education of the University of Latvia and Aira Kumerdanka, lecturer of the University of Latvia.
During the afternoon, we went through one of the most dynamic sessions: the Ambassadors task review, where we could all discuss the ambassadors and deputy ambassadors tasks on Scientix dissemination, Scientix portal support, attendance to meetings, reporting of activities, mentoring and teamwork. This meeting was paired with one-on-one sessions to talk directly with each of the ambassadors, get to know each other better, review the work accomplished and tackle any concrete topic or problem they might have had. The success of the sessions laid in the fact that many participants already prepared a series of specific issues and doubts they wanted to discuss in a private manner.
It must be said that we counted with some of the most dynamic ambassadors during the Riga workshop. Not only were they active on social media and taking snapshots of all the activities occurring, but they even took on a running contest to decide who was going to volunteer to dynamize this Scientix blog, the new Moodle courses and the Scientix Facebook account. We couldn’t be happier!
The workshop could not be complete without a tour of the beautiful city of Riga, which counted with the explanations of Santa Margevica, from the University of Latvia, on the history of the city and a final stop at Valtera Restorant, one of the most popular restaurants in the area, where we could taste some baltic specialities.
On Sunday, our last session before heading to the airport was directed towards one main goal: networking. We proposed one game. The rules: 1) Stand up 2) Walk around and read the notes on what others are experts at and 3) If interested in any topic, ask! if not, move. A very dynamic session we trust everyone enjoyed. Uz drīzu redzēšanos, Riga!
Article written by: Marina Jiménez Iglesias, Project Officer, European Schoolnet
Tags: Riga, Scientix, Workshop