New possibilities of Erasmus+ program in teachers’ vocational education

The United school in Martin, in the Slovak Republic and the Secondary School of Engineering in Chrudim, Czech Republic, have prepared the Etwinning project “Training Young Specialists Together”. The objective of the project is to increase the quality and attractiveness of technical education in the regions where partner schools belong, to share experiences in technology as well as examples of a good professional experience and training in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering. The project is focused on the education of pupils in the field of automatic control systems, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, CNC programing and entrepreneurship.
Through Erasmus+ and its program “VET learner and staff mobility funding”, we obtain financial resources and prepare future employees who are now in secondary vocational schools. Furthermore, teachers can undertake professional development courses through “job shadowing” in a VET program organization. Through “staff mobility”, teachers can share their experiences and good practices in the field of vocational education. In fact, teachers from the Secondary School of Engineering from the Czech Republic participated in a training in Slovakia in the field of business skills, creating business plans in a fictional company, and in teaching the subject of Applied Economy.
Visits at trainings in Economy, Accountancy, Business, Analysis in Business, Corporate finance and Business policy were a part of the Jobshadowing program. Slovak teachers at the Czech school worked with pneumatic systems FESTO a hydraulic systems and learned how to program CNC machines in system SINUMERIC. The partner school has new classrooms for engineering measurements using 3D measuring system DEA PIONEER and thermo cameras, from which we could all enjoy.
Teachers prepared new educational programs and met significant employers in the region. The aim of the project is not only to prepare fellowships for teachers and students of partner institutions but to prepare the ECVET – European Credit System for Vocational Education and Trainingl. ECVET is a new European tool to increase mutual trust and mobility in vocational education and preparation. ECVET supports flexibility and ways to reach the qualification and provides new possibilities of lifelong learning. Exchange of knowledge and know – how between partnership institutions in the field of technical education at all levels.
The outcome of work of teachers will be new educational and instructional sources prepared by partnership schools, quality improvement of professional education and exchange of knowledge and know – how between partnership institutions in the field of technical education at all levels.
Article written by: Zuzana Christozova, Scientix Deputy Ambassador
Tags: Erasmus+, international program, teachers, vocational education