Experiencing scientific journalism as a stimulus for young students to choose science careers


Image: Costantina Cossu

Ten of my students attending the 4th class of Liceo Scientifico Alghero, together with other students from Sardinia have taken part in the best research centres in Sardinia. It has been a real stage in the Porto Conte Research center laboratories in Alghero, CRS4 in Pula and in The International Marine Centre in Torregrande.

Students have experienced a cognitive course based on experience, which has included visits to different laboratories. Students were able to meet with researchers and enjoyed the possibility of realizing audio and video interviews and photographic spots.

stage scientifico Torregrande

Students working in the lab

The method used during the science camp has been that of “Learning by doing” and it has been used to support learning through a direct relationship with researchers working in the territory and the active partakings of the students.

These summer camps have the aim to support the understanding of the complexity of science and technology and to give them the tools needed to learn and translate that complexity in an accessible manner.

This activity, which aim is to disseminate scientific and technological culture, is promoted by the Sardinian Research and the regional programming, budget, credit and territory order Councillor.

Each activity lasted a week and students stayed in camps were the scientific side of each activity was cleverly connected to their leisure. Students mad new friends and were able to exchange and share dreams and ideas with teens from different parts of Sardinia. Each camp ended with the preparation of a journalistic spot of scientific dissemination and a video reportage about the various experiences in each of their research centers. The final paper will be published on different sites and publicized on social channels.

During their stay in the summer camp, students were helped by two reference figures: a supporting tutor responsible of their theoretical and cognitive route and a laboratory tutor responsible of their welcome at the research center.

We hope that this experience stimulates our students and the understanding of the complexity of science and technology, as its main aim is to stimulate the younger ones to choose a STEM career.

This experience has enriched them and increased their motivation to start new challenges. In fact, their first challenge will be to disseminate their experience to their class and schoolmates as well as in the territory within a conference at the beginning of the school year where they will be the protagonists of their own story.

Article written by: Costantina Cossu, Scientix Deputy Ambassador

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46 Responses to “Experiencing scientific journalism as a stimulus for young students to choose science careers”

  1. Alessio L says:

    This experience is really stimulating to every student from all around the world, to inspire them to do try new things and learn by experience. That is why we will try to do the same, and make our own blog or newspaper article.
    Thanks to all the students and C.Tina

  2. Alice Parodi says:

    Confrontandoci con i nostri compagni di quarta, è emerso che è stata un’esperienza costruttiva e divertente. Ci piacerebbe in futuro partecipare e svolgere attività con esperti come loro. Magari anche scrivere un giornale scientifico con la mia classe, collaborando con Scientix e con Focus.

  3. Federico Sau says:

    Beautifull experience to do.
    I’m agree with the hearth of this journalist initiative. Me and my class might do this experience, because is very persuasive and constructive.

  4. lenny says:

    It’s amazing, I’ve always dreamed about going in a scientific centre. It would be great if you create a website were you can register and join in a scientific summer camp site. You should do it.

  5. Yuri Santoru says:

    Pienamente d’accordo con Alice. Anche secondo me scrivere un giornale scientifico con i miei compagni sarebbe una buona idea. L’articolo ha spinto la nostra classe verso quest’idea di collaborare con Scientix e Focus.

  6. Luca says:

    I agree with this metod of teaching way and I would like to do an activity like this, maybe based on the study of the informatic or the science.

  7. Silvia e Martina says:

    It’s a very interesting project, good job professor! We hope we could have other experience like this one in the future. According with Miss Cossu, to comunicate with other scientist is very important, expecially if we want to work in the Science world. We want to have an important STEM career, and Miss Cossu help us to enter into this community.
    P.S.: we love Miss Cossu <3

  8. Mesonteruda cicarollo says:

    Nice project, it will be very useful. We are waiting to make this experience and we are interested, we like making scientific experimentes especially about biology.

  9. Federico Contu says:

    iniziativa interessante che può avvicinare i giovani al mondo del giornalismo e al mondo della scienza nello stesso tempo, senz’ altro un’ esperienza costruttiva.

  10. Morgane Le Masson says:

    Je pense que cet article est très interessant et le projet a eté très utile pour les étudiants comme pour les chercheurs.
    Nous voudrons aussis prendre part a cet projet
    Surement cette activité pousse les etudiants a frequenter des facultés scientifiques,que je pense que cela représente le future pour l’Europe.
    Morgane Le Masson

  11. Aurora says:

    I think this article is very interesting because the projet give the possibility to the young people to learn about science and journalism having fun at the same time.

  12. Chiara Sanna e Chiara Razzuoli says:

    great job! It’s very interesting article. We hope to carrry out this activity as the 4th.
    I think these students were excited to do this experience. They probably were curious to lern lots of technoligical and scientific culture and they hope to trasmit this passion to other students.

  13. silvia solinas says:

    bellissimo progetto,ricco di cose interessanti,sicuramente qualcosa che aiuta gli alunni a crescere,lo farei.

  14. lenny says:

    buon lavoro fatto dai miei colleghi. Sicuramente sono maturati grazie alla volontà e al sacrificio di Costantina Cossu,che ha guidato con esperienza l’equipe capitanata dal carismatico leader Gabriele Lai.#workhard #passionescienze

  15. Angelica says:

    Wonderful initiative, I consider it very useful as an experience and I hope that in the future are still valued these projects.

  16. GROUP 5 E says:

    buon lavoro, questo progetto permette ai ragazzi di qualsiasi classe scolastica di informarsi e appassionarsi maggiormente alle discipline scientifiche attraverso l uso di laboratori utli per poter fare esperienze delle conoscenze.

  17. ilaria meloni says:

    This experience was useful for students, and we think it might be challenging for the choice of scientific disciplines for the future.

  18. Irene e Sara says:

    We thing it’s a good experience for the students,it’s very amazing!
    Good job,congratulation guys!<3

  19. Helena and Alice says:

    Science is the most beautiful subject at school. We love it! This is an amazing experience that we would do with our class. Our teacher is really good in her job! She makes us love the science,we hope we will make some experience like this in the future.
    We’re italian!! Helena and Alice from the class 2D of the scientifical high school of Alghero.

  20. Davide e Andrea says:

    Ottimo lavoro, complimenti onesti a tutti!
    Queste attività permettono ai ragazzi di appassionarsi maggiormente alla scienza.

  21. Andrea e Max says:

    Ottimo lavoro dal punto di vista esecutivo. Ci piacerebbe fare un’ esperienza così ricca di contenuti culturali e caratteri di tipo scientifico.
    L’insegnate ci spinge e ci incoraggia ogni volta sempre di più per svolgere aggiornamenti scentifici dai seguenti siti web:
    -www.quark.it (Pieroangela)
    sarebbe interessante intraprendere un percorcorso simile e ricco di avanguardie culturali e scentificologiche . #passionescienze#workhard#forzaLai

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