When a dream comes true- RESEt project: bringing a whole class of girls to the Arctic
The RESEt project (Research and Education Svalbard Experience www.resetsvalbard.it) is an Italian educational scientific project aimed at fostering interests in geoscience topics in a class of high school students. The project is targeting a class of 20 girls attending a high school (Liceo Filzi, Rovereto. Trento) with a primary focus on disciplines like philosophy and education, rather than STEM.
The project has adopted the method of engaging students in a set of activities distributed over the last three years of their high school cycle.
The most important moment will be an educational scientific expedition at the Svalbard, an archipelago located in the Arctic. The expedition will be entirely organized, planned, and directed by students. In Svalbard, students will visit the main scientific facilities devoted to climate studies, including those of Italian CNR (National Research Council) and they will perform some environmental measurement using data-loggers.
Students are even involved in fundraising activities to raise more than twenty thousand Euros needed to cover their travel expenses. They adopted several methods to reach their goal, like crowdfunding (they manage to raise 6000 euros http://schoolraising.it/progetti/reset-unesperienza-educativa-alle-isole-svalbard-di-viaggio-esplorativo-scientifico/) or like other small economic activities (helping other students with their homework, selling home made cakes, helping wrapping purchases in shops during Christmas, etc.).
The RESEt students have worked very hard on the communications side, too. The website is trilingual and very rich in its contents. Until now, they managed to gain attention from several national media (http://resetsvalbard.altervista.org/project/rassegna-stampa/) and they plan to make a professional film documentary telling the story of the project and the results achieved.
The RESEt project is made in collaboration wit PEI (Polar Educators International http://www.polareducator.org/), which is the world wide community of polar teachers and educators fostering dialogue between educators and researchers.
Article written by: Costantina Cossu, Scientix Deputy Ambassador
Tags: activities, European Union, Students
I’m the teacher coordinating this project. I would like to specify that with the crowdfunding we raised 6k euros. Not 600!
Good job friends!
Full steam ahead!
Really nice project!!
We are proud of our progress, it is a fantastic experience!
Hi! I’m Laura from RESEt’s project, I really want to say thanks for the article and for the visibility!
This girls are very strong! GOOD LUCK
I’m lucky to take part in this wonderful project and I wish we will be kept as example by other schoolmates because IF YOU HAVE A DREAM YOU CAN REALIZE IT!
Well done! Have a beautiful trip and enjoy yourselves!
I have just visited your website and I’m very surprised! You are the demonstration that with work and diligence, dreams can come truth!!! Go on
An experience that you can’t forget
We look foreward to going there. This project is so demanding as satisfying…we are so lucky!!!
It is a fantastic experience
good luck
They manage to raise 6000 euros and not 600………….. It is a mistake !!!!! 😉
Amazing experience !!
Thank you soo much for the post!!
It is fantastic!!!! 🙂
Sarebbe una bellissima esperienza da fare, siete molto fortunati. Speriamo di fare l’anno prossimo lo scambio culturale con voi. :******
OMG! it’s very very beautiful i hope to the next year to partecipate at this event.
Very good project. We hope you’ll enjoy this experience. Good luck:)
Progetto davvero affascinante ed educativo!Complimenti ragazzi.In bocca al lupo!
Spero tanto di potervi incontrare per saperne maggiormente del vostro meraviglioso progetto!
Una grande occasione per imparare e formarsi divertendosi. si tratta di un progetto che susciterà grande invidia in coloro che non potranno parteciparvi.
This is a fantastic post, very interesting and a beautiful experience for you girl.
your are a strongers girl…. GOOD LUCK! 😉
progetto molto bello e interessante,ottimo lavoro da parte degli studenti
That is fantastic!!! you are a beautiful theacher TIna!
That is fantastic!! You are a beautiful teacher Cattadori Tina’s friend!!
Fenomale! Molto interessante, noi alunni della 1°A speriamo di poter vivere un’esperienza di questo genere. 😀
Questo progetto è un’opportunità davvero speciale poichè potreste apprendere nuove informazioni. Vi auguro un buon viaggio e in bocca al lupo!!!
Complimenti per il bellissimo progetto!!!
It’s a really good experience.
very nice and interesting!! :))
very nice and interesting!! :)) 😛
Very interesting project with very enthusiastic guys !!
Wow! Very inspiring, good job. 🙂
ohh it’s a very wonderful project!!!! we hope that one day we will come with you!!!! We love you <3
How awesome is this? keep it up.
good idea, we want to do it too! We hope we will do an exchange with them.
We think that this project is so amazing . We really would make an experience like this one 🙂
Amazing idea guys! It is such a once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity worth all the timeand money invested in it.
Also we would really like to do it aswell, so just send an email to our professor and we will be atit straight away. It i is a huge goal but we could make it.
Beautiful and very interesting! We hope that in the future we’ll go in the North-Polo
It’s a really good job! We hope we’re going to do this project next year with our teacher! Congratulation guys!!!
esperienza ricca di entusiasmo e voglia di fare, studenti molto motivati e sicuri di se stessi.
ci piacerebbe intraprendere un’ esperienza tale e quale alla loro e conoscere i diretti interessati.
il loro è un sogno che è diventato realtà!!! costoro arriveranno a destinazione il mese entrante, buona fortuna!