Elements of didactic innovation about cellular oxidative stress for health education (part 2)


Brain, 6 December 2013, Glenda Stovall

Which protagonists; students, teachers, neuroscientists?

What do biology teachers do?

  • to write itinerary of educational path about oxidative stress in which students are protagonist in rielaboreted activities;

  • to present to the classes fundamental biochemical and physiological concepts about cellular metabolism;

  • to contact neuroscientist for collaboration in a coprojected seminary about oxidative stress condition for health;

  • to create a scientific lecture itinerary of all or parts actually (2016 – 2017) research articles in web about oxidative stress (factors implicated and possible prevention);

  • to communicate to students characteristic of each informatic presentations about different aspects of seminary activity; which way of evaluation of works realized and presented to the class;

  • to organize with students Miniworkshop Students for Students;

  • to reanalyze with students the results after Miniworkshop;

What does each student do?

  • Propedeutic activity of rivisitation  about cellular metabolism and biochemical cellular respiration phases, elements of  anatomy and neurophysiology of the human brain
  • to realize concepts and phases of neuroscientist seminary and write bioenglish short reports;

  • to read scientific articles of scientific magazine divided by teacher in different parts and organized verbal; presentations in groups with original informatic rielaborations;

  • students of my two classes have organized coordinated by biology teacher a Miniworkshop students for not Clil students of others classes of high school.

What do neuroscientists do?

  • to collaborate with biology teacher to decide organization of seminary for students about oxidative stress conditions;

  • to collaborate with biology teacher sending some innovative scientific articles.


In these activities it is possible to guide students in working as researchers analyzing biochemical and physiological dates, information, scientific figure about relationship between molecules, receptors and chemical messengers also about pathological mechanism as in Alzheimer’s disease. In the second time, all students have to chose figure, dates, all important elements to rielaborations, a personal informatic presentation for other students for the class about one aspect of oxidative stress.

Different didactic strategies of this work are finalized to present also some limits of science research about these topics. Learning science in relevant contexts is important to transfer scientific knowledge to authentic situation.  An inquire approach using the model of the scientific inquiry is useful as it promotes curiosity, openness to new ideas, prepares the students to think and act like a real scientist, to ask questions, hypothesize, and to present results using standard science practice.

What to learn in this educational path?

  1. To analyze basically chemical and biological concepts for understanding stress oxidative condition with students (oxidation and reduction chemical process): elements of biochemistry cellular respiration an phosphorylation process in mytocondria.

  2. To present some concepts about nervous system for neurodegenerative diseases.

  3. To guide lectures of different modern articles about oxidative stress and neurodegeneration diseases.

  4. To involve neuroscientist, a charismatic relator, an important meeting for a very interesting seminary about learning this topic.
  5. To work post seminary with students: each student present informatic elaborations about one of different aspect of seminary with integrations consulting other international sources.

  6. To present in the class community in 15 minutes – 10 slides by each student final elaboration with valuation by biology teacher.

  7. To realize with two students an interactive Stress oxidative Poster, a very creative and interesting work: is important to chose scientific images and the short bioenglish text for different parts of poster, realizing with Prezi software (www.prezi.com/it).

  8. To organize at the end of scholastic year students of two different classes leading by biology teacher a Miniworkshop Students for Students for other students not Clil classes of the school: 10 minutes of relator- students, 6 slides max.


  • Geir BjӨrklund , Salvatore Chirumbolo*, “Role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in daily nutrition and human health”, Nutrition, 33(2017) 311 – 321

  • Marina Minoli, Michele Mazzanti, “Neuroscience: education to the complexity of science”, New Secondary School magazine, Studium Edition, in press, October, 2017

  • Mohels Costanali, “Informing Education with neuroscience”, Dana Foundation, 23 April 2017

  • Jiang T. Sun Q, Chen S*,“Oxidative stress: a major pathogenesis and potential therapeutic target of antioxidative agents in Parkinson’ s disease and Alzheimer’s disease”, Prog. Neurobiology, 2016 Dec;147, 1 – 19

  • Bollati, A. Baccarelli, “Environmental epigenetics”, Heredity (2010), 105 – 112

Aknowledgments: Michele Mazzanti, Full Physiology Professor – molecular and cellular neuroscience expert, Department Bioscience Milan University for bioenglish seminary about cellular oxidative stress.

Article written by: Marina Minoli, National Biologist Order, Biology High School Teacher, University Science Didactic Expert. 

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