Girls in STEM

***** This article is a guest contribution. *****
The need to get more girls involved in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has never been more present in mainstream media than it is today. From articles to documentaries, from big events to radio features – getting women into STEM is the topic on everybody’s lips both inside and outside the industry. And it’s no wonder; with stats like only 8% of those taking STEM apprenticeships were girls alongside the relatively recent knowledge that the UK has the lowest amount of female engineers in Europe, alarm bells should be ringing.
But with this problem, some really great organisations have popped up. Here are some of Springpod’s favourites.
Women’s Engineering Society
The Women’s Engineering Society was created to celebrate and encourage gender diversity in the world of engineering. Over the years, it has provided an array of resources and events that are sure to ignite a STEM flame within young girls. Springpod reached out to the CEO of Women’s Engineering Society, Kirsten Bodley, to get her thoughts on why she thinks the event is a great resource for helping schools get girls into STEM:
“International Women in Engineering Day is a fantastic way to engage young women in engineering with opportunities ranging from employer visits to competitions and STEM activities.”
Curved House Kids’ Guide
Last year, Curved House Kids released ‘Inspired by Space: Engaging Girls In STEM’, a guide that combines tangible activities to bring to the classroom, as well as brimming with tips on how to get girls inspired and excited about STEM.
Springpod got in touch with the Director of Curved House Kids and co-author of the guide, Kristen Harrison and get her thoughts on getting girls in STEM:
“Whether it’s nature or nurture, we know that girls can really excel when they have the freedom to be creative, collaborative and empathic – all things that drive innovation. It’s so important to show girls that their unique perspectives, ideas and intelligence will be valued in STEM environments, whether it’s the classroom or the workplace.”
WISE provides a wide range of top quality resources for schools, with the strong campaign mission of gaining gender parity in the UK’s STEM scene, both within the classroom and in the boardroom.
STEMettes is a social enterprise that works to to inspire and support young women in STEM through panel events, hackathons, exhibitions and mentoring schemes. As an organisation, they’re pretty fresh on the scene, but have a determined and passionate mission; one where women are proportionately represented in the STEM field.
Women In STEM
Women In STEM is a great online resource, featuring articles, inspiration and advice on how to approach STEM careers. They have the aim of showcasing the different opportunities for women in the STEM – as well as tackling the stereotypes associated with these career paths and choices.
ScienceGrrl is an organisation with members that range from female scientists to young girls to men – a diverse demographic but all with a common support of their message. Those interested in getting involved can became part of ScienceGrrl’s local chapters which are networks spread around the UK, providing peer support and a setting for social events that encourage girls and women from the community to consider a future in science.
Women Into Construction (WiC)
WiC is a non-profit organisation that promotes gender equality in the construction industry. Springpod reached out to Luana Bills, a Project Manager at Women Into Construction:
“Women In Construction prides itself on supporting all women in exploring the options through careers advice and guidance, provision of free training, brokerage of work placements and access to a wide network of employers.”
About the author
Lewis works as Customer & Community Manager at Springpod. Springpod is a London-based online schools careers platform that connects students with Science, Tech, Engineering & Maths employers in the UK.
To see more tips and resources on how to get girls into STEM, you can visit Springpod’s brand new e-book dedicated entirely to this lucrative subject.
Tags: GirlsInSTEM, STEM