Force to Movement STEM Workshop
Grade 6 students from two different schools came together to work in this STEM workshop, which aimed to transform forces into action by using different types of force. Students were provided with daily life problems to come up with creative solutions and products.
The Usage of STEM
Physics subjects in Science remain abstract for children in their concrete operational stage. Therefore, abstract teachings are difficult for them. In this workshop, we introduced students to how forces actually take place in our lives and provide solutions to many of our daily problems. We guided our students to design a vehicle that moves using various types of force without harming nature. Then, we asked them to turn their designs into products using simple materials. Students developed their scientific process, engineering design, mathematical, communication, and technology skills – among many other 21st century competencies.
Pictures provided by the author, attribution CC-By
The workshop was aimed to:
- Developing technology usage skills by using Web 2.0 tools.
- Improving the collaboration and communication skills of our students by working in groups.
- Developing problem-solving skills.
- Enabling students to experience the engineering design processes.
- Enabling students to use their scientific process skills.
- Developing mathematical skills.
Working Process
By using Web 2.0 tools, we determined the types of forces that the students had mastered. All the students talked together about the types of force used in the visuals we prepared. Then, the students were presented with a challenge: Can we build a vehicle without harming nature and without using fossil fuels? Each team brainstormed solutions to solve this problem. They designed tools on Tinkercad by combining one or more of the force types. They presented their products, on which they created prototypes by using simple materials. Next, students measured how far their prototype vehicles could travel and worked on improving their products so that their vehicles could travel more. In the evaluation process, we observed the achievements of the students who played Kahoot on the subject in a new way.
Thanks to STEM-based activities, students’ problem-solving skills improved. The technology skills of students who actively use Web 2.0 tools were also improved. Similarly, students gained experience in the scientific process and engineering design. Thanks to teamwork, their communication skills improved.
With the workshop we held, we enabled our students to experience many of these 21st-century skill
Pictures provided by the author, attribution CC-By
About the author:
Gönül KESKİN is a Science teacher in İzmir, Turkey. She has a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She is also a Scientix ambassador who does eTwinning projects with her students. She aims to prepare her students for the future and lifelong learning.
Tags: forces, physics, problem-solving skills, scientific process, vehicles
Thanks, Gönül.
I love when learning physics involves experiments too and it’s not a dry lesson with only facts and nothing to see, it gets hard to comprehend the subject for visual learners.