You don’t have to grow up to be a scientist

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This project includes multidisciplinary STEM activities. English and Science teachers are the ones who participated in this project. My students and I integrated all the activities to the objective of English, Science and ICT curriculum. Students used English language for all the activities. We integrated them with the learning outcomes of English: teachers’ and students’ presentation, greeting and meeting people, describing places (schools, towns, countries. Learning outcomes of Science: here was combined knowledge from many scientific domains (Biology, Geology, Chemistry, and Physics). Learning outcomes of ICT: new web 2.0 tools and how to use them. The activities were interesting and fun that’s why the key competences were achieved we were thinking at the beginning were achieved (Literacy and critical thinking- they used English for all activities, they have to think, to choose the best way in order to get the work), Digitals skills (they learnt how to use properly the new web 2.0 tools). This project has common and collaborative work for students and teachers. Students’ works were brought together: Safer Internet Day Slogan and the e-book Science Magazine; the e-book Sustainability and Climate Change represent teamwork of students. Teachers work collaboratively on e-Maze and get the final e-Exhibition of the project.
This project’s main purposes are to understand the importance of sustainability, energy efficiency, water saving, waste management and environmental awareness related to global climate changes. Digital skills, creativity, communicating and working with the students from other countries, doing searching activities are also purposes of the project.
The project includes interactive, collaborative, student centered activities which are the main strength of the project. Methods such as research-examination, discovering, scanning sources, gathering information, analyzing collected data have been used. There were also different pedagogical methods used while working on this project: brainstorming (“What is Science?’’), research review (infographic about the chosen domain), imitation (impersonating remarkable scientists). Students do both individual work (logo, poster, wordcloud, impersonating) and teamwork (infographics and sustainability and climate change activities); students built sustainable energy systems (using waste materials) While doing the activities, students were encouraged to do research and analysis so that their self- confidence, creativity, and responsibility increased. Students were guided by their teachers or by the teacher who monitored the team (mixed team activities). Students and teachers have completed surveys (preliminary and final evaluation surveys). Students as well as teachers said they: enjoyed taking part in this project, their communicative and digital skills have improved a lot, it was amazing working with foreign partners. All teachers and students participated actively at the project’s activities and would like to work with the same team.

The results of teacher evaluation survey shows teachers have achieved the goal of the project. The students’ evaluation survey shows their interest and awareness of environmental issues developed; they are so enthusiastic about the activities. According to them it was great experience because of the activities related to each of the themes of Science, Sustainability and Climate Change, and e-conferences given by experts in their fields; they learnt how to collaborate and discovered new web tools (they created products such as videos, impersonating, infographic, newspaper clippings, online games, e-Book, e-Magazine). Teachers think this project is a good opportunity to open the classroom to the real world and improve their ability to teach cross-curricular skills. They also mentioned about other benefits such as real involvement and real communication, intercultural collaboration, knowing different cultures and increasing knowledge of English. Both teachers and students filled evaluation forms and stated their personal opinions about the project. This project improved their English language skills. They learnt how be creative, how to communicate and collaborate with their partners. They also learnt how to use ICT in class and discovered new tools. They want to collaborate with the same team in other eTwinning projects. The feeling of self-confidence and entrepreneurship of the students increased. They had the chance to use their creativity. They became scientists for a short time, improved their study skills. Also this project left good impacts on my school and the other students. Most of the teachers and students had the chance to learn eTwinning. The students who haven’t taken part in the project have started to state they would like to participate in an eTwinning project in the near future. Students’ awareness of internet security increased with the common products: Safer Internet Day common product, school e-Security board activities, and information on copyright and safe internet held at the meetings. We exhibited our project by publishing news of the project on the website of the school and social media accounts.
Stan Gabriela is an English teacher at Gymnasium School No.7 Petrosani, Hunedoara county, Romania. She became involved in eTwinning projects in 2022 and the project she took part in won both National Quality Label and European Quality Label. In 2023 she took part in 5 eTwinning projects and applied for 4 of them (this was the maximum number a teacher was allowed to apply). The project YOU DON’T HAVE TO GROW UP TO BE A SCIENTIST has already been awarded The National Quality Label. She attended her studies at the University of Alba Iulia, Foreign Languages Faculty (Romanian-English). She is also a Geology engineer. Her hobbies are: reading, painting, dancing, listening to music and travelling. She considers that taking part in eTwinning projects is both a great challenging and experience.
Tags: creativity, data, Digital Skills, Education, English, Science, STEM, Students, teachers