Author Archive

Make Use of Scientix Resources on the Topic of Food

Image: Food – could you find a more relevant topic for every age group? We must eat to provide our bodies with nutrients and energy. People enjoy eating. The way we eat, from early childhood, influences our health for all our life. The food topic can be investigated...

How I worked with PROFILES modules

I have used several PROFILES modules in my teaching. Here I am going to describe briefly how I used one of them in my class. When teaching acids in chemistry, I decided to include a PROFILES module titled “Coca Cola – myths and reality“. “PROFILES“ is the acronym for...

The GLOBE program and its activities in Estonia

Have you heard about GLOBE? Nobel laureate Dr. Leon Lederman has said that: “GLOBE is the quintessentially ideal program for involving kids in science” The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program that unites students,...

A student dissect pig's eyes.

Out-of-school learning: Curriculum-based nature study programmes in Estonia

Is it better to study natural sciences inside the classroom or outside of school – in the nature, the laboratory, a museum, a science center…? There is no right answer. It depends on the topic, the equipment available, the teacher and many other circumstances. Nevertheless, there are topics which...