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Science debate in class

Education systems in most European countries face the same challenge: how to raise the level of scientific literacy, including reasoning in STEM subjects. In addition, students’ rhetorical skills – argumentation, oral presentation – are insufficient, which leads to inaccurate use of language and susceptibility to ‘fake news’. The EU...

Teaching STEM lessons with the objects and collections of Museums (2)

Image: Shutterstock/Alexandr III_jpeg Chemistry The Environment Museum of Stymphalia (Cont.)              Activity: How was the Stymfalia lake formed? Questions:  i) Choose the correct answer. The basic chemical compound which has contributed to the formation of the lake is: A. Calcium carbonate (limestone) B. Sodium...

Teaching STEM lessons with the objects and collections of Museums (1)

Image: Shutterstock/Alexandr III_jpeg Museums are established institutions, but they also exist in a changing world. How can we find relations between museums and STEM education? What are the dimensions of “museum education” as a discipline of pedagogy and how do innovative approaches in the teaching of modern science apply...

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Professional development for STEM teachers

Image: shutterstock_270465959-Copyright Your Design Professional development for STEM teachers should be analogous to professional development for other professionals. Becoming an effective science teacher is a continuous process that stretches from preserved experiences in undergraduate years to the end of a professional career1. Professional development for a teacher of science is...

European movies in teaching and learning Mathematics – Part 2

A characteristic example: “CINEMATHS PARADISE” Erasmus+ KA2 projects  “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe”. With this quote from Galileo Galilei, we would like to emphasize the importance of Mathematical principles and concepts, which have become a part of almost every area of work. However,...

Astronomy and space science in the STEM classroom

Image: Shutterstock/Alphaspirit Astronomy is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving branches of science. Historically, not only scientists and students, but the general public has been very much interested in the achievements and advances of this science. Students are fascinated to understand different astronomy topics, such as the...

Virtual laboratories in teaching and learning science

Image: Shutterstock/Macrovector Introduction We live in an era characterized by the rapid development of technology. Computer science has invaded the educational process and is providing us with many opportunities to exploit. An additional challenge faced by STEM educators has been the integration of Inquiry Based Science Learning (IBSL) in...