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Didactic research in High School for innovative STEM bioinformatics activities

Image: shutterstock_374892109- ABSTRACT Innovative didactic research in High School for STEM Bioinformatics activities to use this modern science as creative opportunity to construct scientific applicative itinerary for secondary school students. I have realized different STEM bioinformatic research didactic activities for High School, sharing strategies with european bioscience teachers, working as...

Elements for High School STEM didactic activities from International Neuroscience Meeting

Abstract This publication derived from participation as biologist didactic – researcher to “European Synapse Meeting ”, Milan University 4 – 6 December 2017 . It was very interesting to present in Meeting my abstract and poster about didactic neuroscience research and to know integrated and innovative informations about researches...

Brain, 6 December 2013, Glenda Stovall

Elements of didactic innovation about cellular oxidative stress for health education (part 2)

Which protagonists; students, teachers, neuroscientists? What do biology teachers do? to write itinerary of educational path about oxidative stress in which students are protagonist in rielaboreted activities; to present to the classes fundamental biochemical and physiological concepts about cellular metabolism; to contact neuroscientist for collaboration in a coprojected seminary...

Brain, 6 December 2013, Glenda Stovall

Elements of didactic innovation about cellular oxidative stress for health education (part 1)

Image: Brain, 6 December  2013, Glenda Stovall Abstract The mission of my didactic project is to develop an interdisciplinary modern educational path with Stem bioenglish activities (chemistry, biology, medicine, biophysic and ICT) during curricular hours for conscious students, about personal and general health. Two scientific high school classes with 19...

Elements of didactic innovation in neuroscience for high school (2)

Image: Shutterstock/ VLADGRIN_jpeg Elements about history of neuroelectrophysiology techniques Electrophysiology embrace several different experimental techniques with the main goal to collect electrical signals from living organisms. Pioneer of the study of the bioelectricity has been Luigi Galvani who was the first to hypothesize that biological entities retain the ability to...

Elements of didactic innovation in neuroscience for high school (1)

Image: Shutterstock/VLADGRIN_jpeg Abstract The mission of this didactic Clil project was to develop innovative strategic activities for learning biological neuroscience with two classes 16 years old students in scientific High School. Not to activate summa of knowledge, but linked concepts of different topics scientific STEM disciplines (physic, biochemistry, electrophysiology,...