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Making Science Education meaningful through Technology Enhanced Learning. Part 2.

Image: Your Design/ Science, especially school science, should be a very practical subject. It involves doing things, observing, measuring, communicating, discussing, investigating and trying things out (Wellington and Ireson, 2012). Then again, these things cannot be done in vacuum; there is also the theoretical part and the Scientific method that...

Misconceptions and Understanding Science

In the context of enhancing science and science education, the perception on misconceptions cannot just be ignored. The cognitive misalignment between students’ ideas and corresponding concepts definitely creates the need for some theoretical terminology to pinpoint and thus aim to solve these differences. Misconceptions in science cause students to...

Going digital the digital way. A new hope for Science Education?

Considering that science is perennially a seeker of truth, it is essentially a vibrant discipline. I have explicitly utilized the term “essentially” because while we are all in our ways hungry to hear about science and scientific phenomena, doing things in the scientific way is neither easy nor automatically...

Inquiry Based Learning, Science Education and the Maltese situation

If science and technology are confirmed as the catalysts of world economies, then a healthy supply of scientists is required. Unfortunately, as observed in several science textbooks, the science portrayed to our students tends to be presented in an unattractive manner, inclined towards memorization, the acquisition of facts or...