Author Archive

Enhance student participation by using innovative, online resources and teaching methods in your classroom

Student engagement is an important indicator measuring students’ performance and learning process, and largely determines what they have accumulated from their classes overall. It is also one of the most important sources of feedback for teachers reflecting the results of their practice, but also highly relevant for researchers, curriculum...


STEM and Sustainability

Image: windmills-984137_960_720 Sustainability in STEM subjects can be a great way to link standard physics, science and mathematical concepts to topics applicable to the real world and of interest to students. Education is being called upon to prepare responsible citizens to meet the complex challenges we are currently facing as...

Examining Teacher Candidates’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions About Being A Teacher and Their Attitudes Towards Computer Assisted Education

Purpose In our day when science and technology are developing very rapidly, occupational groups have been affected by these rapid developments and have sought to exploit the benefits of these developments. The teaching profession, one of the earliest professions in human history, has not become insensitive to these rapid...


Scientix: implementing connectivism

Image: shutterstock_267283724- Siemens and Downes Theory of Connectivism (Siemens, 2004) “provides new insight into what it means to facilitate learning in the 21st Century” (Marquis, 2012), as it incorporates the main change of our digital era: learning occurs outside of people and as peoples’ valuable skill has become the...


Investigating Enzymes: experiencing learning through an IBSE-CLIL Project (2)

Image: shutterstock_172355312-.jpg Having chosen Biochemistry and the related disciplines as the target subjects of the project,  to develop the task and activities of the module the team decided to make use of the Inquiry-based approach, in which students follow methods and practices similar to those employed by scientific researchers. IBSE...


Investigating Enzymes: experiencing learning through an IBSE-CLIL Project.

Image: shutterstock_172355312-.jpg Authors: Checchetti Andrea (Scientix ambassador), Bruno Maria Clotilde and Martano Donato The article reports a network experience carried out by a team of English Language and Science teachers from different schools in Italy. The outcome of the project is a teaching unit on the properties of enzymes, which...


The (unknown) Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Education

Image: shutterstock_387345829- Today we are living in the cusp of a new industrial revolution that differs from all the previous ones. It´s been coined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RI4) at the 2011 Hannover Fair. It comes in the sequence, obviously, of the other industrial revolutions: the first industrial revolution...


STEAM family

Image: shutterstock_439647085 Welcome to “STEAM Family”, family workshops spreading the knowledge and interest of STEAM in society. Science and technology arise a travel through different everyday realities to build knowledge into family and complete a challenge at home enjoying. Real and virtual experimentation, and collaboration of institutions and companies complete...