Archive for the ‘NCP’ Category

Woman participating in an online meeting

Learning from experience: How and where to start again after the lockdown

Going back to school after several months of lockdown highlighted the need for us teachers to reflect on the ways we teach and interact with our students. For this reason, a team of Italian Scientix Ambassadors organized an online event to exchange ideas and discuss with experts. During the...


Is this child gifted?

Image: shutterstock_75642172 Dr Lianne Hoogeveen, developmental psychologist and director of the Radboud Center for the Study of Giftedness (CBO) of the Radboud University in the Netherlands, presented on the 3rd of July 2017 the latest research developments in gifted education, including that by ECHA (European Council for High Ability) to more...

Scientix encourages networking and knowledge sharing – now I am convinced…

Teacher training in STEM education works. I have seen it in numerous workshops and I know it is a well-developed expertise of European Schoolnet. I know workshops organized by Scientix, Pathway, eTwinning, inGenious, S-TEAM, SAILS, Open Discover Space, Inspiring Science Education, Quantum Spin-Off, and numerous other projects are well...