Archive for the ‘Networking’ Category

Schools are closed, but our curiosity is not!

Can we continue investigating with materials that we have at home? Yes, and from an early age.  During the lockdown period, a lot of students spend many hours in front of a screen; as an alternative, we can encourage them to carry out experiments that activate their desire to...

The online learning experience of a Scientix Ambassador

I am Dhurata Myrtollari, an Albanian language teacher in lower secondary education in Tirana, Albania. I am also an ambassador for the Scientix and eTwinning network. I have followed for 5 years trainings offered by Scientix and eTwinning. During this time, I have also been part of Edmodo which...

Innovation in Education During a Period of Social Isolation

As of March 31, 185 countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America announced their school and university closings. “Students, their parents, and educators around the world are feeling the extraordinary ripple effect of the novel coronavirus as schools are shutting down and quarantine methods...

European Geosciences Union 2019 – GIFT workshop

The European Geosciences Union’s (EGU) Committee on Education has been organizing the Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshops since 2003. Selected top-level scientists working in the Earth sciences offer invited teachers talks centered on a different theme every year. This year, the workshop was organised between the 8-10 of...

Window into Europe

We are no longer alone, we are now one in Europe. Our classes collaborate with students from other countries, while teachers organize activities with colleagues from diverse nations using educational platforms designed for sharing, such as eTwinning and Scientix. eTwinning is a project of the European Commission that aims...

Innovative Biology Didactic Strategies – Society for Experimental Biology Meeting 2018

This article is derived from my participation, as an invited speaker with a selected abstract at the “International Scientific Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) Meeting“, held in the Congress Palace in Florence in the summer of 2018. In this meeting I was a moderator in the session “Teaching Biology...

STEM, new trends and pedagogy of the (near) future

Why STEM? In the United States the first changes seen in school occurred after President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001, later updated under the Obama legislation in 2015. The focus is now on a new method of student training in order to guarantee greater...