Archive for the ‘Research’ Category

Beyond the game jams: Facing social challenges through a gameLab conception

Game jams and hackathons all over the world are a reality as a trend and the benefits are contrasted and supported by the public acceptance and research bodies. But, in the meantime, they are often considered as an end themselves instead of a powerful tool aiming broader objectives. This...

InSight’s landing at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA – 2nd day: Landing day, 26th November

Second day at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, “the landing day” or also called “D-Day” for the InSight team, but also for the partners of the project in France (Centre National d’ Etudes Spatiales, Institut physique du Globe de Paris, University of Nantes, SODERM) who had worked...

Space technologies – What’s new out there?

Photo credits: ESA-NASA Space tourists, Mars and Moon missions, and robots that serve humans at International Space Station (ISS)…those pictures are not coming from a sci-fi movie script, not any more. With the rapid development of space industry, we enter the fourth industrial revolution, and next generations have to...

Elements for High School STEM didactic activities from International Neuroscience Meeting

Abstract This publication derived from participation as biologist didactic – researcher to “European Synapse Meeting ”, Milan University 4 – 6 December 2017 . It was very interesting to present in Meeting my abstract and poster about didactic neuroscience research and to know integrated and innovative informations about researches...

Approaching Citizen Science

Image: shutterstock_333593951- Over the last years, both institutions and the public have become increasingly familiar with the topic of Citizen Science. While multiple definitions exist, the term has been generally used to refer to “a series of activities that link the general public with scientific research”. Indeed, participants in citizen...

Examining Teacher Candidates’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions About Being A Teacher and Their Attitudes Towards Computer Assisted Education

Purpose In our day when science and technology are developing very rapidly, occupational groups have been affected by these rapid developments and have sought to exploit the benefits of these developments. The teaching profession, one of the earliest professions in human history, has not become insensitive to these rapid...


Investigating Enzymes: experiencing learning through an IBSE-CLIL Project (2)

Image: shutterstock_172355312-.jpg Having chosen Biochemistry and the related disciplines as the target subjects of the project,  to develop the task and activities of the module the team decided to make use of the Inquiry-based approach, in which students follow methods and practices similar to those employed by scientific researchers. IBSE...


Investigating Enzymes: experiencing learning through an IBSE-CLIL Project.

Image: shutterstock_172355312-.jpg Authors: Checchetti Andrea (Scientix ambassador), Bruno Maria Clotilde and Martano Donato The article reports a network experience carried out by a team of English Language and Science teachers from different schools in Italy. The outcome of the project is a teaching unit on the properties of enzymes, which...


The (unknown) Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Education

Image: shutterstock_387345829- Today we are living in the cusp of a new industrial revolution that differs from all the previous ones. It´s been coined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RI4) at the 2011 Hannover Fair. It comes in the sequence, obviously, of the other industrial revolutions: the first industrial revolution...