What is the Importance of STEM Education in Climate Change and Sustainability Education for Children?


CC-BY, provided by author What are the Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals): It is a universal call to action to eradicate poverty, protect our planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. The major objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals are: Sustainable Development...

Meeting STEM Experts


CC-BY, provided by the author While using STEM education, teachers implicitly aim for students to choose STEM fields in the future as well as trying to develop 21st century skills in students. One of the reasons for this aim is the idea that employment in STEM professions will increase...

STEM Day for Kindergarten Parents


CC-By: Unsplash Parents should be included as partners in their child’s STEM learning, since it has been proven that family involvement in the kindergarten environment has many benefits for children. Parents can prepare their children to become the creators and inventors of tomorrow with STEM. By taking traditional learning...

STEAM and tinkering: a successful connection


CC-BY, provided by the author Some STEAM topics related to physics, for example, motion, friction, acceleration etc. and related to Genetics, for example protein and DNA structure, can be difficult to understand for 12-13 year-old students or sometimes even boring. Starting from that I decided to use a different...

You don’t have to grow up to be a scientist


CC-By provided by the author This project includes multidisciplinary STEM activities. English and Science teachers are the ones who participated in this project. My students and I integrated all the activities to the objective of English, Science and ICT curriculum. Students used English language for all the activities. We...

A hackathon challenge


CC-By provided by the author A hackathon offers a fun way to engage students in solving real, concrete problems. Proposing activities that implement this methodology facilitates learning, stimulates creativity, and encourages participation. The fifth-grade students of I.C. S.G. Bosco di Napoli participated in a project that involved solving exciting...

Mathematics for Sustainable Development


CC-By provided by the author The Mathematics for Sustainable Development (MaSuD) Erasmus+ project combines two educational issues: math anxiety and raising awareness on environmental issues. Math anxiety is defined as “the panic, helplessness, paralysis, and mental disorganisation that arises among some people when they are required to solve a...

Book review – 50 Women in Technology


CC-BY provided by author Author Cheryl Robson presents concise biographies of 50 remarkable women who have made significant contributions to the field of technology. The book celebrates the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds across the globe. These individuals emerge as true champions of change, leaving lasting and indelible...