Posts Tagged ‘3D printing’

Contributing to the health and safety of employees in the COVID-19 Process

Due to the pandemic caused by the Corona Virus, schools in Turkey entered the holiday break on March 16, 2020, and a week later the whole country passed to the distance learning process including universities. In our country, the virus cases started to be seen long after the cases...

STEM at Joan Miro School in the time of Corona

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, Joan Miró School wanted to contribute to the health system. We detected that Hospitals and medical centers needed protective masks/face shields to prevent contagion, so we started 3D printing them using our school’s 3D printer. We faced logistics problems as our schools...

Teaching real-life 3D printing lessons

In recent years, 3D printing becomes available in manufacturing and today it offers awesome results and possibilities to create almost everything, from small objects to houses and medical implants. 3D printing enables many opportunities for everyone to be a maker. As Laura Fleming said: “Makers movement is about moving...

From Pixel to Plastic: Using Europeana as a resource for 3D printing projects

Image: Telescópio. Original available on Europeana: Telescopio refractor. For the students in this class, the challenge began with a test of the Art and Astronomy through the Ages scenario, one of the learning scenarios available under the Europeana DSI-3 project. After testing the scenario, we found that it did not...

Kodukup 2014

My four pupils and I had an opportunity to take part in the amazing Codecamp and Kodukup competition, hosted at the Microsoft Innovation center in Brussels on the 13-15th of October. The idea of the competition was to create (code) a computer game by using Microsoft´s KODU Game Lab...