Posts Tagged ‘chemistry’

STEM Day for Kindergarten Parents

CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction Parents should be included as partners in the child’s STEM learning, since it has been proven that family involvement in the kindergarten environment has many benefits for children. Parents can prepare their children to become the creators and inventors of tomorrow with STEM. By taking traditional...

Brain, 6 December 2013, Glenda Stovall

Elements of didactic innovation about cellular oxidative stress for health education (part 2)

Which protagonists; students, teachers, neuroscientists? What do biology teachers do? to write itinerary of educational path about oxidative stress in which students are protagonist in rielaboreted activities; to present to the classes fundamental biochemical and physiological concepts about cellular metabolism; to contact neuroscientist for collaboration in a coprojected seminary...

Brain, 6 December 2013, Glenda Stovall

Elements of didactic innovation about cellular oxidative stress for health education (part 1)

Image: Brain, 6 December  2013, Glenda Stovall Abstract The mission of my didactic project is to develop an interdisciplinary modern educational path with Stem bioenglish activities (chemistry, biology, medicine, biophysic and ICT) during curricular hours for conscious students, about personal and general health. Two scientific high school classes with 19...

Teaching STEM lessons with the objects and collections of Museums (2)

Image: Shutterstock/Alexandr III_jpeg Chemistry The Environment Museum of Stymphalia (Cont.)              Activity: How was the Stymfalia lake formed? Questions:  i) Choose the correct answer. The basic chemical compound which has contributed to the formation of the lake is: A. Calcium carbonate (limestone) B. Sodium...

CLICKMICA: Chemistry Outreach at a click

Chemistry is present in our everyday life. All matter is made up of chemical elements or compounds, and chemical reactions are responsible for the correct functioning of our body. In order to bring science closer to society and to promote science outreach, the Fundación Descubre created Clickmica in November...