Posts Tagged ‘computational thinking’

We explain how students can benefit from a PBL methodology in finding solutions to solve real life problems.

How to Apply Project-Based Methodology for Students to Develop STEM Solutions That Solve Real Problems

CC-BY, provided by author Teachers challenged the 10th year students of the Vocational Course of Mechatronics to find solutions to the problems or situations related to their interests. Their objectives were: to know the functioning of the Arduino board and sensors; study the electrical circuit required to connect the...

Computational Thinking and Physics

Attribution CC-BY. Learning objectives:a) Analyze projectile motion in perpendicular directions to understand one-dimensional motion and decomposition.b) Calculate the time of flight, measure the range, and determine the maximum height of a projectile using algorithmic thinking and step-by-step approach.c) Examine and calculate the trajectory of a projectile to identify recognizable...


CaRoMtE (Coding and robotics on math through English): The next chapter on implementing computational thinking into the curriculum. An international Erasmus+ KA201 project

Image: shutterstock_321297764- Based on the shared concern about the lack of a common strategy for teaching and learning Computational Thinking across Europe, 3 teachers (Ts) from Belgium, Italy and Spain started thinking of a transnational experience of introducing Coding and Robotics into the curriculum. The initial team included a teacher...