Posts Tagged ‘conference’

Scientix at SMEC Conference, Dublin 2016

On June 16–17th, the 7th edition of the Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) hosted by the Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning, CASTeL was held in Dublin City University. The event was an excellent opportunity to reflect on STEM teacher education. In particular, the conference...

Experiences on the 8th edition of the ITworldEdu conference – Innovating in Education

Image: Flickr/Mikel Agirregabiria/ 20160308_115148_HDR Building on the success of the previous year, Scientix was invited for a second time to take part in one of the sessions during the 8th edition of the itworldedu conference (Barcelona, 7-8 March, 2016) with a workshop titled “Scientix and the usage of Technology in...

Sharing ideas across borders

Image: Shutterstock/Rawpixel In the UK we have four different education systems thanks to the UK being made up of four different nations.  In Scotland we have always had an education system different to that of the rest of the UK.  For example, our school leaving examinations, “Highers”, were first...

Unique activities organised for the Researchers’ Night in Hungary

How to start? Researchers’ Night initiative in Europe started in 2005. The project was launched first by the European Commission as a Europe-wide educational festival, and repeated annually on the last fourth Friday of September. Since 2006 Hungary has also joined the program with different colorful activities organised in...