Posts Tagged ‘energy’

With this STE(A)M project, students learn about valuable concepts on an interplanetary mission that takes them to Mars.

The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars

CC-BY, provided by authors Scientix Ambassadors Helena Pires and Maria Robalo worked on a learning scenario using the STEAM methodology in two different schools in Portugal, with 14/15-year-old students. The students worked in groups on the project “Interplanetary Travel: From Earth to Mars” and Hydroponics was a complement to...

BIOPROFILES: Teaching Green

Presentation: This educational project has been carried out in 4 European countries, Slovakia, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Spain supported by three teacher training workshops: The first one was an internal workshop for educational consortia partners for initial project planning and project inception. The next two workshops were carried...

How to help schools to use ICT during science lessons?

A lot of of Polish schools have no data-logging and laboratory equipment. Some of teachers afraid of using ICT and data-logging equipment. Teacher training courses about teaching science withICT is not enough. How to help them? Computer Assisted Education and Information Technology Centre in Warsaw (OEIiZK), Poland, in-service teacher...