Posts Tagged ‘European Union’

Get to know the Science Education department (and some of it’s projects)

If you are a regular in this blog, or already acquainted with our community, you will be well aware that the objectives of Scientix are those of promoting and supporting a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals. Nonetheless, what you might not...

When a dream comes true- RESEt project: bringing a whole class of girls to the Arctic

The RESEt project (Research and Education Svalbard Experience is an Italian educational scientific project aimed at fostering interests in geoscience topics in a class of high school students. The project is targeting a class of 20 girls attending a high school (Liceo Filzi, Rovereto. Trento) with a primary...

Raising standards in pre-service teacher education – the INQUIRE course in Bremen

Inquiry-based science education (IBSE) – what are the challenges for pre-service teacher education? What do ongoing teachers and active teachers learn from each other when planning, conducting and evaluating minds-on and hands-on IBSE activities? The Bremen teacher education course “INQUIRE for Teacher Students” aims to raise standards in teacher...

Inquiry Based Learning, Science Education and the Maltese situation

If science and technology are confirmed as the catalysts of world economies, then a healthy supply of scientists is required. Unfortunately, as observed in several science textbooks, the science portrayed to our students tends to be presented in an unattractive manner, inclined towards memorization, the acquisition of facts or...