Posts Tagged ‘hands-on science’

Teaching Nanotechnology through Sustainability and Creativity in Primary School

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The teaching and spreading of new technologies is not an easy task and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) are, by no means, no exception; N&N deal with highly complex phenomena, seasoned with a dense and very specific terminology, usually in English. It is mandatory to...

The Young Explorers Club addresses the students' lack of enthusiasm for science by making them learn through hands-on laboratory experiences.

Young Explorers Club

CC-BY, provided by author In hundreds of schools in Armenia and in some other educational institutions (secondary, professional, higher) there are no laboratories corresponding to the educational programme, which is an obstacle to the effective organisation of the teaching of scientific subjects and as a result most of the...

Mechanical hand out of cardboard.

Mechanical Hand Made of Cardboard

CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction This educational activity was carried out during the skills workshops, in the context of the natural science lesson as well as in the IT lesson. It took 6 teaching hours and 34 students of the fifth grade of the primary school participated. The theme is related...