Posts Tagged ‘IBL’

Experiences on the 8th edition of the ITworldEdu conference – Innovating in Education

Image: Flickr/Mikel Agirregabiria/ 20160308_115148_HDR Building on the success of the previous year, Scientix was invited for a second time to take part in one of the sessions during the 8th edition of the itworldedu conference (Barcelona, 7-8 March, 2016) with a workshop titled “Scientix and the usage of Technology in...

Interconnection of Inquiry Based Learning Activities and Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model for STEM Education

Image: shutterstock_228482407 According to the previous blog, Lithuanian Intelligent Future School (IFS) project is aimed mainly at improving the quality and effectiveness of STEM education. According to IFS concept, after implementing integrated learner profiles, ontologies-based personalized recommender systems should be created to suggest learning components (learning objects, activities, methods, tools,...

Inquiry Based Learning, Science Education and the Maltese situation

If science and technology are confirmed as the catalysts of world economies, then a healthy supply of scientists is required. Unfortunately, as observed in several science textbooks, the science portrayed to our students tends to be presented in an unattractive manner, inclined towards memorization, the acquisition of facts or...