Posts Tagged ‘ICT’

Automated means help to organise the educational process by creating and saving the thematic plan on the computer and using programs.

Application of Computer Technologies in the Educational Process

CC-BY, Unsplash The current society, in the situation of the ongoing progressive reduction of livelihood resources, should give even more importance to the knowledge of ICT and basics of programming, the initial knowledge of which is acquired during the school years through the subject of “Informatics”. It should be...

With space as the common thread, students learn about science and ethics, develop their computational thinking and hear lessons from experts.

Do Look Up! A Journey from Earth to Space

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The aim of this 3-month interdisciplinary project was to inspire students in grades 11 and 12 (focusing on girls), to become interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) by combining STEM, Space and Environmental Education. Students engaged in a blended learning environment,...


Tech, Tablets, and Effects on Education

Image: shutterstock_116533162 Where we are (the current situation) As technology becomes more advanced then ever, it’s no surprise it’s is being brought into the classroom at younger and younger ages every year. Where typing used to be the most technology advanced class not too long ago (and often only taught...

Spaces, technology and teaching: what improvements do you need in school?

Image: shutterstock_150587642 Introduction This paper describes an Erasmus+ mobility project (Digital in EU) designed for ICT coordinators (Animatori digitali) of 34 schools in Calabria. Teachers, divided into 4 groups, during the month of November were received for a week at the Orestad gymnasium in Copenhagen. During this time the Calabrian,...

Top resources/pedagogies to integrate technology in the classroom

Engaging your students in the classroom has never been easier with easy access to affordable technology resources. These tool will help you create new and captivating lesson plans for your curriculum and help students apply the lessons in ways not available in the educational environment before. These following resources...

Experiences on the 8th edition of the ITworldEdu conference – Innovating in Education

Image: Flickr/Mikel Agirregabiria/ 20160308_115148_HDR Building on the success of the previous year, Scientix was invited for a second time to take part in one of the sessions during the 8th edition of the itworldedu conference (Barcelona, 7-8 March, 2016) with a workshop titled “Scientix and the usage of Technology in...