Posts Tagged ‘Informatics’

We explain how students can benefit from a PBL methodology in finding solutions to solve real life problems.

How to Apply Project-Based Methodology for Students to Develop STEM Solutions That Solve Real Problems

CC-BY, provided by author Teachers challenged the 10th year students of the Vocational Course of Mechatronics to find solutions to the problems or situations related to their interests. Their objectives were: to know the functioning of the Arduino board and sensors; study the electrical circuit required to connect the...

Automated means help to organise the educational process by creating and saving the thematic plan on the computer and using programs.

Application of Computer Technologies in the Educational Process

CC-BY, Unsplash The current society, in the situation of the ongoing progressive reduction of livelihood resources, should give even more importance to the knowledge of ICT and basics of programming, the initial knowledge of which is acquired during the school years through the subject of “Informatics”. It should be...