Posts Tagged ‘Knowledge’


The (unknown) Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Education

Image: shutterstock_387345829- Today we are living in the cusp of a new industrial revolution that differs from all the previous ones. It´s been coined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RI4) at the 2011 Hannover Fair. It comes in the sequence, obviously, of the other industrial revolutions: the first industrial revolution...

Raising standards in pre-service teacher education – the INQUIRE course in Bremen

Inquiry-based science education (IBSE) – what are the challenges for pre-service teacher education? What do ongoing teachers and active teachers learn from each other when planning, conducting and evaluating minds-on and hands-on IBSE activities? The Bremen teacher education course “INQUIRE for Teacher Students” aims to raise standards in teacher...

Science and society: the points to be discussed in a SSI discussion (I)

Science and society are intersected entities in the controversial discussion of Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI). This discussion is of high importance for a functional scientific literacy. This post aims to list the matching points between science as an enterprise and society that can spark a controversial issue or become an...