Posts Tagged ‘learning scenario’

With this STE(A)M project, students learn about valuable concepts on an interplanetary mission that takes them to Mars.

The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars

CC-BY, provided by authors Scientix Ambassadors Helena Pires and Maria Robalo worked on a learning scenario using the STEAM methodology in two different schools in Portugal, with 14/15-year-old students. The students worked in groups on the project “Interplanetary Travel: From Earth to Mars” and Hydroponics was a complement to...

The BLOOM competition: new in entries in the BLOOM School Box

Between 25 March and 30 April 2019, the participants of the “Boosting Bioeconomy Knowledge in Schools” Massive Open Online Course were invited to submit their learning scenarios to the BLOOM “Teach bioeconomy!” competition. The subject? Teaching bioeconomy in STEM lessons. The 36 eligible submissions were evaluated in a two-stage...

From Pixel to Plastic: Using Europeana as a resource for 3D printing projects

Image: Telescópio. Original available on Europeana: Telescopio refractor. For the students in this class, the challenge began with a test of the Art and Astronomy through the Ages scenario, one of the learning scenarios available under the Europeana DSI-3 project. After testing the scenario, we found that it did not...