Posts Tagged ‘Lego’

Kids learn about the laws of chemistry e and the atomic model thanks to a simple approach that encourages them to delve into more detail.

Chemistry with LEGO® Bricks. An Innovative Method for Teaching Chemistry

CC-BY, provided by author   Introduction Science teaching in middle school is often not very effective. On the one hand, students have not yet developed the necessary ability to abstract in order to study infinitely large elements such as astronomical concepts or infinitely small ones such as atoms; on...

Mindstorm to Brainstorm – An example of cooperation between European Schools in STEM education

Over the recent years, the introduction of robots in learning situations (Educational Robotics) has established itself as an emerging pedagogical tool in addressing various curriculum subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Technology Education or even expressions and Arts) in different age levels particularly in universities, polytechnics and vocational education which are held...