Posts Tagged ‘problem-solving’

We explain how students can benefit from a PBL methodology in finding solutions to solve real life problems.

How to Apply Project-Based Methodology for Students to Develop STEM Solutions That Solve Real Problems

CC-BY, provided by author Teachers challenged the 10th year students of the Vocational Course of Mechatronics to find solutions to the problems or situations related to their interests. Their objectives were: to know the functioning of the Arduino board and sensors; study the electrical circuit required to connect the...

With space as the common thread, students learn about science and ethics, develop their computational thinking and hear lessons from experts.

Do Look Up! A Journey from Earth to Space

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The aim of this 3-month interdisciplinary project was to inspire students in grades 11 and 12 (focusing on girls), to become interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) by combining STEM, Space and Environmental Education. Students engaged in a blended learning environment,...

Global thinkers – Local Solvers: You want an ideal city, solve the problems of your city

 Picture provided by the author, attribution CC-By.  Introduction During the school year 2022-2023, the project Global Thinkers – Local Solvers was implemented as part of the eTwinning project “Artful STEAM Tellers, Creative STEAM Solvers.” The project aimed to promote the concept of an inclusive city through participatory design. Six...

Kids coding, learning in computer

Empowering Minds through Coding and Innovation

CC-BY, provided by the author The fourth-grade students of Silla Primary School at the Comprehensive Institute La Giustiniana in Rome had an exciting opportunity to extend their education beyond the regular school term. They participated in a captivating project named “Coding ergo sum”, centred on coding activities. CC-BY The...