Posts Tagged ‘quiz’

A gamification system of points, which are then converted into grades, allows students to learn despite the restrictions of COVID.

How to Use Gamification in Science Education During the COVID Lockdown

CC-BY, Unsplash   Introduction In this article, I would like to share how I use gamification in chemistry classes. The method was especially useful in digital education during the COVID lockdowns. It allowed me to mark the students’ work. The essence of gamification is that students collect points, and...

Teaching English with the help of games and role-playing.

Teaching English with the Help of Games

CC-BY, Unsplash Teaching foreign languages in general education, particularly English, is one of the necessary components. Knowing foreign languages contributes to the general education of students, and develops their cognitive abilities, speech and thinking. To make language learning lessons interesting, I often use game methods, such as the method...

The Science Shelf (and other STEM goodies from the webosphere) #7

Image: Bloomua_jpeg Welcome to the seventh post of the series “The Science Shelf (and other STEM goodies from the webosphere)” where we will share information on science and technology events, resources, news and any other random goodies we discover by staring at our computers every single day. Hope you enjoy...