Posts Tagged ‘robotics’

Mechanical hand out of cardboard.

Mechanical Hand Made of Cardboard

CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction This educational activity was carried out during the skills workshops, in the context of the natural science lesson as well as in the IT lesson. It took 6 teaching hours and 34 students of the fifth grade of the primary school participated. The theme is related...


CaRoMtE (Coding and robotics on math through English): The next chapter on implementing computational thinking into the curriculum. An international Erasmus+ KA201 project

Image: shutterstock_321297764- Based on the shared concern about the lack of a common strategy for teaching and learning Computational Thinking across Europe, 3 teachers (Ts) from Belgium, Italy and Spain started thinking of a transnational experience of introducing Coding and Robotics into the curriculum. The initial team included a teacher...

Experiences on the 8th edition of the ITworldEdu conference – Innovating in Education

Image: Flickr/Mikel Agirregabiria/ 20160308_115148_HDR Building on the success of the previous year, Scientix was invited for a second time to take part in one of the sessions during the 8th edition of the itworldedu conference (Barcelona, 7-8 March, 2016) with a workshop titled “Scientix and the usage of Technology in...