Posts Tagged ‘skills’

Kids coding, learning in computer

Empowering Minds through Coding and Innovation

CC-BY, provided by the author The fourth-grade students of Silla Primary School at the Comprehensive Institute La Giustiniana in Rome had an exciting opportunity to extend their education beyond the regular school term. They participated in a captivating project named “Coding ergo sum”, centred on coding activities. CC-BY The...

Transformative Education: STEM Education for Sustainable Development Goals

Adopted by the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Education 2030 Framework Action, is coordinated by the UNESCO Education Agency and aims to “provide equal and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” UNESCO’s report...

Woman participating in an online meeting

Learning from experience: How and where to start again after the lockdown

Going back to school after several months of lockdown highlighted the need for us teachers to reflect on the ways we teach and interact with our students. For this reason, a team of Italian Scientix Ambassadors organized an online event to exchange ideas and discuss with experts. During the...

Group of scientists smiling

6 Best Reasons to Study Science and Technology

The infinite possibilities of science Science and technology are broad terms. While most people imagine that the job of a scientist boils down to wearing a lab coat and looking at things through a microscope, there is a lot more to it than that, and the job itself can...

Programming with sensors

Introduction We are listening nowadays about the importance of learning a code language from the school, like a new literacy. Coding skills have mainly being integrated in the curriculum of the Primary and Secondary students in a large number of European countries. The concept of computational thinking refers to...

Spaces, technology and teaching: what improvements do you need in school?

Image: shutterstock_150587642 Introduction This paper describes an Erasmus+ mobility project (Digital in EU) designed for ICT coordinators (Animatori digitali) of 34 schools in Calabria. Teachers, divided into 4 groups, during the month of November were received for a week at the Orestad gymnasium in Copenhagen. During this time the Calabrian,...

Methods of developing an active mind (Active-participative methods)

Image: Shutterstock/VLADGRIN_jpeg (3) Pedagogical questions: How can the subjects of knowledge be activated in the process of their self teaching and training? What are the theoretical recommendations related to activation and which are the methodological resources that can be used for this purpose? How should we act in situations...

The video games model – a practice in the reach of every teacher

 Image: Shutterstock/Macrovector_jpeg (2) Learning through play is an effective and innovative method that can engage students in both the assimilation of content and the acquisition of 21st century skills. The popularity of video games is not the enemy of learning, but rather a model and a suggestion for improving...