Posts Tagged ‘space’

With space as the common thread, students learn about science and ethics, develop their computational thinking and hear lessons from experts.

Do Look Up! A Journey from Earth to Space

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The aim of this 3-month interdisciplinary project was to inspire students in grades 11 and 12 (focusing on girls), to become interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) by combining STEM, Space and Environmental Education. Students engaged in a blended learning environment,...

100 years under one Sky – Day II

What does Science have to do with Diplomacy, Inclusion and Development? Science, although universally striving for objectivity, cannot always be regarded as isolated from politics or society. Current discussions about the cause and effect of climate change are just the most prominent examples. Participants of the International Astronomical Union’s...

World Space Week – Origami and space research

The cover photo was retrieved from:   When origami is mentioned, the first associations are paper cranes. In Japan, origami is considered traditional, and crane represents good fortune. Paper cranes But did you know that origami, mathematics and science are connected? Origami, the ancient Japanese paper-folding skill is actually...

Spaces, technology and teaching: what improvements do you need in school?

Image: shutterstock_150587642 Introduction This paper describes an Erasmus+ mobility project (Digital in EU) designed for ICT coordinators (Animatori digitali) of 34 schools in Calabria. Teachers, divided into 4 groups, during the month of November were received for a week at the Orestad gymnasium in Copenhagen. During this time the Calabrian,...

The Science Shelf (and other STEM goodies from the webosphere) #5

Welcome to the Fifth post of the series “The Science Shelf (and other STEM goodies from the webosphere)” where we will share information on science and technology events, resources, news and any other random goodies we discover by staring at our computers every single day. Hope you enjoy and...

Astronomy and space science in the STEM classroom

Image: Shutterstock/Alphaspirit Astronomy is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving branches of science. Historically, not only scientists and students, but the general public has been very much interested in the achievements and advances of this science. Students are fascinated to understand different astronomy topics, such as the...