Posts Tagged ‘STEAM education’

With this STE(A)M project, students learn about valuable concepts on an interplanetary mission that takes them to Mars.

The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars

CC-BY, provided by authors Scientix Ambassadors Helena Pires and Maria Robalo worked on a learning scenario using the STEAM methodology in two different schools in Portugal, with 14/15-year-old students. The students worked in groups on the project “Interplanetary Travel: From Earth to Mars” and Hydroponics was a complement to...

Magic Box approach

STEAMagic Boxes – Educational Resources Created by Students

CC-BY, Unsplash All the students from our school and kindergarten (aged 3-14 years) are involved in our specific Hands-on Science Program. Kindergarten children are amazing scientists. They observe and explore with an open mind, curiosity and great enthusiasm. Often these wonderful scientists draw conclusions so scientifically accurate that they...

Food Defenders: Make the Waste Worth the Taste

Introduction The project Food Defenders: Make the Waste to Worth the Taste, was designed and applied during the school year 2021-2022. In this project, four Kindergartens from Greece, nine teachers and 109 children participated. The mascot of the programme Foxie Planet invited students to adopt new attitudes towards food...