Posts Tagged ‘STEM’

With this STE(A)M project, students learn about valuable concepts on an interplanetary mission that takes them to Mars.

The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars

CC-BY, provided by authors Scientix Ambassadors Helena Pires and Maria Robalo worked on a learning scenario using the STEAM methodology in two different schools in Portugal, with 14/15-year-old students. The students worked in groups on the project “Interplanetary Travel: From Earth to Mars” and Hydroponics was a complement to...

With space as the common thread, students learn about science and ethics, develop their computational thinking and hear lessons from experts.

Do Look Up! A Journey from Earth to Space

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The aim of this 3-month interdisciplinary project was to inspire students in grades 11 and 12 (focusing on girls), to become interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) by combining STEM, Space and Environmental Education. Students engaged in a blended learning environment,...

Mechanical hand out of cardboard.

Mechanical Hand Made of Cardboard

CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction This educational activity was carried out during the skills workshops, in the context of the natural science lesson as well as in the IT lesson. It took 6 teaching hours and 34 students of the fifth grade of the primary school participated. The theme is related...

What is the Importance of STEM Education in Climate Change and Sustainability Education for Children?

CC-BY, provided by author What are the Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals): It is a universal call to action to eradicate poverty, protect our planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity. The major objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals are: Sustainable Development...

Meeting STEM Experts

CC-BY, provided by the author While using STEM education, teachers implicitly aim for students to choose STEM fields in the future as well as trying to develop 21st century skills in students. One of the reasons for this aim is the idea that employment in STEM professions will increase...

STEM Day for Kindergarten Parents

CC-By: Unsplash Parents should be included as partners in their child’s STEM learning, since it has been proven that family involvement in the kindergarten environment has many benefits for children. Parents can prepare their children to become the creators and inventors of tomorrow with STEM. By taking traditional learning...

You don’t have to grow up to be a scientist

CC-By provided by the author This project includes multidisciplinary STEM activities. English and Science teachers are the ones who participated in this project. My students and I integrated all the activities to the objective of English, Science and ICT curriculum. Students used English language for all the activities. We...

Book review – 50 Women in Technology

CC-BY provided by author Author Cheryl Robson presents concise biographies of 50 remarkable women who have made significant contributions to the field of technology. The book celebrates the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds across the globe. These individuals emerge as true champions of change, leaving lasting and indelible...