Posts Tagged ‘teamwork’

Teaching Nanotechnology through Sustainability and Creativity in Primary School

CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The teaching and spreading of new technologies is not an easy task and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) are, by no means, no exception; N&N deal with highly complex phenomena, seasoned with a dense and very specific terminology, usually in English. It is mandatory to...

Automated means help to organise the educational process by creating and saving the thematic plan on the computer and using programs.

Application of Computer Technologies in the Educational Process

CC-BY, Unsplash The current society, in the situation of the ongoing progressive reduction of livelihood resources, should give even more importance to the knowledge of ICT and basics of programming, the initial knowledge of which is acquired during the school years through the subject of “Informatics”. It should be...

Through a project-based teaching system that implements advances in pedagogy, students can effectively tackle environmental problems.

Advancements in Pedagogical Techniques: An In-Depth Exploration

CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction Endangered ecosystems, including air, water, soil and forests, are threatened by human consumerism. In Armenia, rich in minerals but grappling with environmental pollution from mining, these issues are especially prominent. Pollution causes water contamination, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. Efforts to protect and restore resources are...

Contributing to the health and safety of employees in the COVID-19 Process

Due to the pandemic caused by the Corona Virus, schools in Turkey entered the holiday break on March 16, 2020, and a week later the whole country passed to the distance learning process including universities. In our country, the virus cases started to be seen long after the cases...

STEM at Joan Miro School in the time of Corona

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, Joan Miró School wanted to contribute to the health system. We detected that Hospitals and medical centers needed protective masks/face shields to prevent contagion, so we started 3D printing them using our school’s 3D printer. We faced logistics problems as our schools...

Science Education teamwork during the current crisis

During the past month, we have seen a common reality that has been transforming and challenging all sectors. In the Science Education Department at European Schoolnet, we have followed the situation closely as regards to STEM education, teachers and students. And as a team, we also faced many challenges...